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Finances publiques (E-U) - Suède

Research and analysis on 90% of public debt issued by state and local governments, hospitals, higher education institutions and other tax-exempt entities. 


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  DateType de publication Titre Emetteur / Entité
27 Oct 2020 Issuer In-Depth Svenska Handelsbanken AB, SEB AB, Swedbank AB: Large Swedish banks' Q3 profit climbs as loan loss provisions fall sharply Skandinaviska E...
Svenska Handels...
Swedbank AB
22 Oct 2020 Announcement Moody's withdraws Green Bond Assessments (GBA) American Munici...
American Munici...
Arise AB
Axis Bank Limit...
Banco Nacional ...
Bank of Communi...
Cape Town, City...
Consorcio Trans...
District of Col...
E3 2019-1
18 Oct 2020 Compilation Credit Outlook: 19 October 2020
23 Sep 2020 Issuer Comment Svenska Handelsbanken AB: Handelsbanken’s strategy shift will help financial performance, but raises execution risk Svenska Handelsbanken AB
23 Sep 2020 Research Announcement Moody's - Handelsbanken’s strategy shift will help financial performance, but raises execution risk Svenska Handelsbanken AB
21 Sep 2020 Issuer In-Depth Svenska Handelsbanken, SEB, Swedbank, Nordea, Danske, DNB: Provisioning surges in the first half of the year but capital buffers remain intact Danske Bank A/S
Nordea Bank Abp
Skandinaviska E...
Svenska Handels...
Swedbank AB
23 Jul 2020 Issuer In-Depth Svenska Handelsbanken AB, SEB AB, Swedbank AB: Large Swedish banks' Q2 profit up as trading income recovers Skandinaviska E...
Svenska Handels...
Swedbank AB
10 Jul 2020 Credit Opinion Svenska Handelsbanken AB: Update to credit analysis Svenska Handelsbanken AB
24 Jun 2020 Research Announcement Moody's - Large Nordic banks increase loan loss provisions in the first quarter of 2020; cost of risk varies widely Danske Bank A/S
Nordea Bank Abp
Skandinaviska E...
Svenska Handels...
Swedbank AB
24 Jun 2020 Issuer In-Depth Svenska Handelsbanken, SEB, Swedbank, Nordea, Danske, DNB : Loan book structure and different IFRS 9 applications lead to significant variations in provisions at large Nordic banks Danske Bank A/S
Nordea Bank Abp
Skandinaviska E...
Svenska Handels...
Swedbank AB
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